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PaMar Creative Writing 

 Inspire Me!

Laptop & Coffee
Do you have a talent for composing stories, but need a little help? Does your imagination run with creative ideas, but you are uncetain how to pattern your thoughts? Or perhaps, you have a finished work, but would appreciate a second set of eyes to review and edit.    
Inspire Me!  is the place for such assistance. 
Inspire Me!  is a writing platform to introduce creative skills with optimum results.
Inspire Me! is designed and dedicated to inspire and encourage anyone who has a passion for writing with a desire to have a finished work whether a manuscript, auto-biography, poetry, or  screenplay. It is never to late to begin.
Often, we do not give credit to language because it comes so naturally; and yet, words are an intricate component to success in any aspect of life from relationships to careers; and the foundation for our communications whether oral or written. The power embedded in words can make us happy, sad, hurt, angry, or loved. Words can build us up or bring us down, make us laugh or make us cry. There is much power in the spoken language.
For those who enjoy a comfortable relationship with words,  we seek to master our profession. Like an artist, each presentation is an endeavor for greater achievement. To those individuals who may falter and stumble in their initialization to pursue penmanship, I strongly enourage you to not surrender but strive to develop your skill. Writing is a talent that is nurtured, practiced, and in time, perfected. Same holds true for any talent be it acting, singing, sports, playing a musical instrument, and so forth. It is the initiative, ambition, and passion that makes a person excel.
There are two ways to begin writing a manuscript. One is to create an outline, or use the format called a storyboard whereby in either instance you are itemizing or sectioning each aspect of the storyline you want to create; and second is simply to have the story in your mind and begin. Most find it easier to make some form of a list to follow and that is okay. A writer must establish their own personal methodology in structure and style. Personally, the later has always been what works best for me. The story is already well developed in my mind and waiting for me to give it birth. Whichever is your method, writing should come naturally, flowing gently and easily. 
Begin by establishing the theme, lay out the backdrop, add characters, identifying gender, age, relationship and role, and most importantly is strong dialogue to carry the scenes. Set the stage, scale the events, present the dynamics, and last but never the least, have a good closure.
Should you desire my thoughts, ideas, opinion, advice, or general comment, please do not hesitate to contact me via  email on the contact page. I sincerely enjoy hearing from you and best of luck in procuring your passion!
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